
Brycen Arnold ’23

I chose my major because mathematics was something I have always been interested in and wanted to know more about. The major has allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and make connections with the mathematics I learned in high school.

Major: Mathematics

Minor: Sociology

Why did you choose your major?

I chose my major because mathematics was something I have always been interested in and wanted to know more about it. I also wanted to become a mathematics teacher to middle or high school students. This major allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and make connections with the mathematics I learned in high school. 

Would you recommend them to a future student? Why? 

 I do recommend this major to anyone who has a desire for mathematics, whether that be majoring or minoring in mathematics. The faculty is always helpful if you have any questions and they are incredibly nice. I always tell people that Cal Lutheran has an excellent mathematics department. 

What are your future plans? 

I am currently enrolled in a single subject credential program for mathematics.

Are there any particular experiences — in or out of the classroom — that have helped you identify that path? 

An experience I had that has helped me identify this path that I am on is tutoring students. I have tutored high school and college students and each time I tutor a student I get a desire to keep helping others with mathematics. 

What were some of your favorite aspects of your single-subject program? Such as research, classes, professors, etc.

This program allowed me to do an internship in the math center and present topics to fellow math center workers. This program also helped me build a portfolio of work samples of different branches of mathematics, which has helped me make connections with topics I learned while in high school. This program also allowed me to connect deeply with my mathematics professors which helped when I did research. 

What key skills did you learn in the program that you now use in your current position, career, or further studies?

The skills I learned in this program are communication and critical thinking. This program allowed me to think critically on topics which allowed me to understand and then communicate to others about what I have learned. Communication is important for presenting work as well as helping other understand mathematics.

How has your major’s program set you up for success?

This major set me up for success by having me look at different areas of mathematics as well as readers h opportunities. This major has allowed me to connect with others and develop skills needed for teaching and explaining mathematics.