
William Zimmerle ’16

I am constantly being pushed to do the best I can, and this helps me realize what I am truly trying to achieve. In that aspect, I think that Cal Lutheran has helped me discover my purpose.

Major: Geology

Minor: Religion

I am William Zimmerle from Elk Grove, California. My major is geology and my minor is religion.

What’s you major like?

I would describe the geology program as a very tight nit group of students who are constantly working together to get through the classes. As the department is very small, you get to know each other very well and create a great group of friends through the classes together.

What are your post-graduation goals?

My goals after I graduate are to attend a graduate program in hydrogeology and eventually work with groundwater.

What’s it like working with your professors?

Being able to work hands on with all of my professors has really allowed for me to develop my skills in geology. I am able to constantly talk to them, get advice, and discuss ideas of what I would like to do, and that has helped me a lot in making my decisions.

What has your experience been like at Cal Lutheran?

I am constantly being pushed to do the best I can, and this helps me realize what I am truly trying to achieve. In that aspect, I think that Cal Lutheran has helped me discover my purpose.

Do you have any advice for new students?

My main advice to any incoming students would be to get to know your professors. Here at Cal Lutheran, many of the classes are small, with my smallest geology class having six students. This allows for you to get all of the help from your professor that you need, wether that is in class or during their office hours.