Major: Art
Why did you choose your major?
Originally when I was applying to colleges in my senior year of high school I had looked into other majors, but when the pandemic hit in 2020 and disrupted the last months of my high school experience, I found myself gravitating towards the thing I had truly loved all my life which was art. Being able to focus on creating more in my life made me realize that all I really wanted to do was make art.
Would you recommend it to a future student? Why?
Absolutely. I think art is underrated in its value in society as a whole and I encourage everyone to look at all the different ways art is included in our society. From Marketing, packaging, logos, paintings, and buildings, art is everywhere and is not just for the “starving artist”, it’s for anyone. If art is something you’re interested in, you should look more into it and see how you can incorporate it into your life.
What are your future plans?
I currently make and sell ceramics off of my Etsy Store EGJStudios and I’m hoping to find a ceramic studio to work out of and eventually have my own. I’m also planning to go into graphic design and create for companies I truly believe in.
Are there any particular experiences — in or out of the classroom — that have helped you identify that path?
For me, it’s less experience and more the people around me. As a department assistant in the visual arts department, I’ve gotten to work really closely with a lot of the different professors in the art department who are nothing short of encouraging me to do the best that I can. Specifically, Professors Obermiere, Pearce, Newalder, Martin, Renn, and so many of the faculty have all challenged me to be the best artist I can be. I came to this school with very low confidence in my work and ability to create and am leaving knowing that I have the power to determine everything I want to accomplish.