Marketing Communication

Allison Copley ’24

The communication department was a great way to catapult into the work that I do. My main job function is recruiting, which requires a lot of marketing techniques. I have a lot of social media marketing experience now, and I really learned a lot about corporate communications through my JonesWorks and College of Arts and Sciences internship I had at Cal Lutheran. These skills have helped me increase our recruiting outreach over the last few months, which I am very proud of.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Marketing Communication Undergraduate

Laylanie Valenzuela ’26

Marketing and communication is in everything. With this major I’m able to follow my passions and go into any industry that I choose. My future plans are to work in advertising for live music.

Business Administration Marketing Communication Undergraduate

Randy Martinez ’24

The blend of communication and business courses centered around marketing communication and business administration allows you to strategically immerse yourself in each field. The leadership, management and technical skills I have also learned within both of my majors have prepared me for wherever I choose to go in the future.