Chemistry Mathematics Undergraduate

Jocelin Hernandez ’24

I have always loved numbers and hands-on work, so a chemistry major allowed me to explore my passion for analytical chemistry. While at Cal Lutheran, I have the best of both worlds: tons of hands-on experience with direct and personal guidance and collaborative quantitative work. As I immersed myself in the science buildings on campus, I realized that I have access to a wide range of instruments, a variety of research topics to explore and extremely supportive professors.

Environmental Science Spanish Undergraduate

Anthony Delgadillo Salas ’25

I chose environmental science because it is an interdisciplinary major where there are a plethora of skills you can learn. I wanted to study something highly applicable across many fields in STEM and humanities so I would get the best of both worlds. I love how I can decide if I want to study present issues like climate change or study past climates through research.

Psychology Undergraduate

Grace Schifrin ’24

I think a psychology degree can get you very far in life because there are a lot of different routes you can go down with it. Making connections and talking to people has been the biggest help with identifying my path! My future plans are to pursue my graduate degree in licensed social work (LCSW) and begin practicing in a clinical aspect.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Undergraduate

Aaliyah Valladolid ’24

As a Latina in STEM, I would like to have an impact on improving human health and combating diseases, and believe the knowledge and skills I am receiving at Cal Lutheran will definitely nurture that goal of mine. I wholeheartedly recommend biochemistry and molecular biology to future students at Cal Lutheran.

Psychology Undergraduate

Jordyn Todd ’24

I recommend the psychology major because what you learn becomes applicable to your own life, and you get to earn a college degree while learning more about human nature and how to work better with people.

Biology Chemistry Public Health Undergraduate

Ashley Dumas ’24

The biology major has helped to solidify my interest in a medical career by providing academic exploration, exposure to healthcare-related experiences, mentorship, peer interactions, research opportunities, and pre-medical resources and support. By majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry and public health, I can fulfill the pre-medical or pre-health requirements necessary for admission to professional schools and succeed in these programs.

Criminology and Criminal Justice Ethnic and Race Studies Spanish Undergraduate

Victoria Sanchez ’23

I found that the combination of my majors was helpful in my success during my internship. I would say that most of what I use in my current job derives from what I was able to learn and be a part of in both the criminal justice department and the Spanish department.

Legal Studies Political Science Theatre Arts Undergraduate

Riley Herbert ’25

I have wanted to be a lawyer since I was little, and interested in politics for just as long. The political science department has kept my peers and me engaged with certain topics and guided us with helpful advice and support. Through both faculty and student-led productions, informative field trips, and a wide range of classes, I’ve also gotten a well-rounded education in Theatre Arts, as well as an incredible environment.

Computer Science Multimedia Undergraduate

Reyna Rodriguez ’23

My role entails the development of extensive test plans, writing automated test scripts, and researching software issues. The computer science program at Cal Lutheran played a vital role in preparing me for this position, equipping me with a robust foundation in robotics, software engineering, algorithms, and systems analysis, all of which I consistently apply in my daily work.

Liberal Studies in Education Undergraduate

Melissa Dennin ’22

One of my favorite aspects of the Cal Lutheran teacher training program is the numerous opportunities we have during our undergraduate years to volunteer in the classroom and work directly with teachers and students. This has allowed me to apply what I have been learning in my classes into the classroom and begin to develop an idea of the type of teacher I want to be.